The Spiritual Artist Podcast

Choose One Act of Defiance And Realign with Purpose

Christopher J. Miller Season 5 Episode 152

One Act of Defiance

In this short podcast, CJ Miller shares how he steps into love and encourages listeners to take one simple yet powerful act of defiance.

Start your morning with this practice:
"I release fear and anxiety, for I am not in the future.
I release guilt and anger, for I am not in the past.
I am here, now.
In this moment, I choose love, appreciation, and gratitude.
I trust Creative Intelligence to guide me.
I breathe. I listen. I simply am."

CJ invites you to take one act of defiance—whether it's boycotting a business, reaching out to someone with kindness, or making a conscious choice that aligns with love. While we can't control the whole world, each small act empowers us to move forward with purpose.