The Spiritual Artist Podcast
A Spiritual Artist with Christopher Miller is a podcast series that shares stories of enlightenment and growth from conversations with today’s spiritual artists and thought leaders. An artist is defined as anyone that is consciously connected, present and inspired while practicing their discipline. Conversations with guests explore how making art engages us in emotional, wholistic and spiritual growth. Christopher Miller is an artist, writer and speaker in Dallas, Texas.
The Spiritual Artist Podcast
Release Trauma and Increase Creativity with Psychotherapist Dr. Don St. John
In this podcast, CJ Miller explores and unpacks the effects of trauma and creativity with psychotherapist Dr. Don St. John.
Dr. Don has spent a lifetime exploring healing modalities after being raised by a physically and verbally abusive mother and an "almost non-existent" father. His recently revised book, "Healing the Wounds of Childhood and Culture," is available on Amazon. He has been engaging the four pillars of wholeness for almost 60 years: the Somatic, the Psycho-emotional, the Relational, and the Spiritual," and has taught and presented to the US, Canada, New Zealand, and Brazil.
CJ shares how he often asks his art students to reflect on their lives and see how their artwork was received as a child. He has found that moving past these situations can release new levels of creativity.
Dr. Don explains that his first response to the abuse was to freeze and live in a fantasy world. It wasn't until his early twenties that he recognized a need for healing. "Trauma affects your entire being, even your very tissues," said Dr. Don. "It affects our ability to relate to each other and our capacity for love." There is a creative aspect in turning those wounds into gold.
The interview includes the importance of listening to ourselves and others, addressing stored trauma in the body through the Continuum Consciousness movement, reexamining cultural belief systems, expressing gratitude, and listening to that internal voice for guidance.
Dr. Don reminds us to view trauma resolution as an "adventure of a lifetime" and recognize that you're having this moment because of everything that came before.
Dr. Don is certified as a Continuum Consciousness Teacher and believes in releasing trauma through the body. Trauma keeps us from living in the present because we are trying to protect ourselves from the wounds of the past. He assists people in fluid movement explorations to release trauma and resistance.
Continuum is an approach to exploring how we live in and move through our bodies. Continuum is a portal to a deeper awareness of, and connection to, embodiment, movement, learning, growth, well-being, and creativity. Attention to internal experience through breath, sound, meditative awareness, and fluid movement expands our experience of embodiment. Listeners can find local teachers for this modality by visiting
In conclusion, Dr. Don encourages listeners to embark on their healing journey and become lifelong learners. He encourages everyone to be aware of the benefits of therapy and concludes the interview by asking, "Can you let love in? Can you increase your capacity for love?"
For more information on Dr. Don St. John, visit
For more information on CJ Miller, visit