The Spiritual Artist Podcast

Make Art That Resonates Energy With Multi-Media Abstract Artist Ann DeRulle

Christopher J. Miller Season 3 Episode 68

In this episode, Dallas-based multi-media artist Ann DeRulle shares how she receives intuitive guidance to create her transformative, inspirational, and uplifting paintings. She sees an image or hears words instructing her to create detailed pictures that display sacred geometry, often tiered through plexiglass layers that emanate transformative energy. 

Ann and Chris discuss her creative process and how she receives Divine Guidance to make art that resonates with energy. Chris experiences an "aha" moment when he realizes that he can receive guidance during the planning stage of a project as well as during the creative act. 

According to Ann, humanity is migrating from an external world of 3-D external sustenance to a 5-D world of eternal sustenance. She deconstructs her "Love Without End" painting to share how her geometry, grids, color choice, line work, and position provide an energetic charge. Other images in her 5-D Transformative Series include Evolution, Inspiration, Consciousness Manifested, and Ascension. 

Ann's ever-evolving work synthesizes 25+ years of scientific/spiritual/art study, including more than 15 energy-balancing modalities plus intuition. In addition to her artistic creations, Ann provides energy healing to individuals and environmental remediation to home and office locations through her Quantum Solutions business. 

Ann asks the listeners to recognize themselves and their environment. What are you resonating with that you don't want to be resonating with? And what do you want to resonate with? 

Ann DeRulle founded Life Changes Unlimited in 1997 and integrates 25 years of scientific and spiritual training in personal empowerment consultations using her exclusive Quantum Solutions process. Ann also clears toxic, detrimental energies in our homes and offices by transforming them into positive, life-enhancing energy through her Zapp Technique. For more information, visit